The firefly’s flame Is something for which science has… I can think of nothing eerier Than flying around with an unident… person’s posteerier.
The turtle lives twixt plated deck… Which practically conceal its sex. I think it clever of the turtle In such a fix to be so fertile.
I give you now Professor Twist, A conscientious scientist, Trustees exclaimed, “He never bun… And sent him off to distant jungle… Camped on a tropic riverside,
“Beep-beep. BANKERS TRUST AUTOMOB… You’ll find a banker at Bankers T… Advertisement in N.Y. Times When comes my second childhood,
Peekabo, I Almost See You Middle-aged life is merry, and I… But there comes a day when your ey… And your friends get jocular, so y… And of all your friends he is the…
How wise I am to have instructed… I am about to volunteer a definiti… Just as I know that there are two… I know that marriage is a legal an… Moreover, just as I am unsure of…
One thing that literature would be… Would be a more restricted employm… metaphor. Authors of all races, be they Gre… Can’t seem just to say that anythi…
When the thunder stalks the sky, When tickle-footed walks the fly, When shirt is wet and throat is dr… Look, my darling, thats July. Through the grassy lawn be leather…
Candy is dandy But liquor is quicker
He who is ridden by a conscience Worries about a lot of nonscience; He without benefit of scruples His fun and income soon quadruples…
There is a knocking in the skull, An endless silent shout Of something beating on a wall, And crying, “Let me out!” That solitary prisoner
Hypochondriacs Spend the winter at the bottom of… the Adirondriacs. You go to Paris and live on champ… If you’re dipsomognac.
The ant has made himself illustrio… Through constant industry industri… So what? Would you be calm and placid, If you were full of formic acid?
Oh, “rorty” was a mid-Victorian w… Which meant “fine, splendid, jolly… And often to me it has reoccurred In moments melancholy. For instance, children, I think i…
Higgledy piggledy, my black hen, She lays eggs for gentlemen. Gentlemen come every day To count what my black hen doth la… If perchance she lays too many,