#AmericanWriters #Modernism
a burst of iris so that come down for breakfast we searched through the rooms for
O—EH—lee! La—la! Donna! Donna! Blue is the sky of Palermo; Blue is the little bay; And dost thou remember the orange…
In Brueghel’s great picture, The… the dancers go round, they go roun… around, the squeal and the blare a… tweedle of bagpipes, a bugle and f… tipping their bellies (round as th…
The world begins again! Not wholly insufflated the blackbirds in the rain upon the dead topbranches of the living tree,
You know there is not much that I desire, a few chrysanthemum… half lying on the grass, yellow and brown and white, the talk of a few people, the trees,
A day on the boulevards chosen out… student poverty! One best day out… Berket in high spirits—"Ha, orang… And he made to snatch an orange fr… Now so clever was the deception, s…
Warm sun, quiet air an old man sits in the doorway of a broken house— boards for windows
Little round moon up there—wait awhile—do not walk so quickly. I could sing you a song—: Wine clear the sky is and the stars no bigger than sparks! Wait for me and next winter we’ll bui...
When the snow falls the flakes spi… that concerns them most intimately two and two to make a dance the mind dances with itself, taking you by the hand,
WHERE shall I find you— You, my grotesque fellows That I seek everywhere To make up my band? None, not one
Fools have big wombs. For the rest?—here is pennyroyal if one knows to use it. But time is only another liar, so go along the wall a little further: if blackberries prove bitter there’l...
Here it is spring again and I still a young man! I am late at my singing. The sparrow with the black rain on… has been at his cadenzas for two w…
The whole process is a lie, unless, crowned by excess, It break forcefully, one way or another,
You sullen pig of a man you force me into the mud with your stinking ash-cart! Brother! —if we were rich
The over-all picture is winter icy mountains in the background the return from the hunt it is toward evening from the left