#AmericanWriters #FemaleWriters #XIXCentury
108 Surgeons must be very careful When they take the knife! Underneath their fine incisions Stirs the Culprit—Life!
860 Absence disembodies—so does Death Hiding individuals from the Earth Superposition helps, as well as lo… Tenderness decreases as we prove—
I dwell in Possibility – A fairer House than Prose – More numerous of Windows – Superior – for Doors – Of Chambers as the Cedars –
853 When One has given up One’s life The parting with the rest Feels easy, as when Day lets go Entirely the West
898 How happy I was if I could forget To remember how sad I am Would be an easy adversity But the recollecting of Bloom
I years had been from home, And now, before the door, I dared not open, lest a face I never saw before Stare vacant into mine
This is the land the sunset washes… These are the banks of the Yellow… Where it rose, or whither it rushe… These are the western mystery! Night after night her purple traff…
614 In falling Timbers buried— There breathed a Man— Outside—the spades—were plying— The Lungs—within—
743 The Birds reported from the South… A News express to Me— A spicy Charge, My little Posts— But I am deaf—Today—
I counted till they danced so Their slippers leaped the town, And then I took a pencil To note the rebels down. And then they grew so jolly
550 I cross till I am weary A Mountain—in my mind— More Mountains—then a Sea— More Seas—And then
622 To know just how He suffered—woul… To know if any Human eyes were ne… To whom He could entrust His wave… Until it settle broad—on Paradise…
586 We talked as Girls do— Fond, and late— We speculated fair, on every subje… Of ours, none affair—
725 Where Thou art—that—is Home— Cashmere—or Calvary—the same— Degree—or Shame— I scarce esteem Location’s Name—
52 Whether my bark went down at sea— Whether she met with gales— Whether to isles enchanted She bent her docile sails—