Well pleased the audience heard th… The Theologian said: 'Indeed, To praise you there is little need… One almost hears the farmers flail Thresh out your wheat, nor does th…
Thou ancient oak! whose myriad lea… With sounds of unintelligible spee… Sounds as of surges on a shingly b… Or multitudinous murmurs of a crow… With some mysterious gift of tongu…
Come, old friend! sit down and lis… From the pitcher, placed between u… How the waters laugh and glisten In the head of old Silenus! Old Silenus, bloated, drunken,
Christ to the young man said: ‘Ye… If thou wouldst perfect be, Sell all thou hast and give it to… And come and follow me!’ Within this temple Christ again,…
PRINCE HENRY _and_ ELSIE,… horseback._ _Elsie._ Onward and onward the hi… to the distant city, impatiently b… Tidings of human joy and disaster,…
Can it be the sun descending O’er the level plain of water? Or the Red Swan floating, flying, Wounded by the magic arrow, Staining all the waves with crimso…
There is a quiet spirit in these w… That dwells where’er the gentle so… Where, underneath the white-thorn,… The wild flowers bloom, or, kissin… The leaves above their sunny palms…
As a fond mother, when the day is… Leads by the hand her little child… Half willing, half reluctant to be… And leave his broken playthings on… Still gazing at them through the o…
Thou comest, Autumn, heralded by… With banners, by great gales inces… Brighter than brightest silks of… And stately oxen harnessed to thy… Thou standest, like imperial Char…
This song of mine Is a Song of the Vine, To be sung by the glowing embers Of wayside inns, When the rain begins
O let the soul her slumbers break, Let thought be quickened, and awak… Awake to see How soon this life is past and gon… And death comes softly stealing on…
At anchor in Hampton Roads we lay… On board of the Cumberland sloop-… And at times from the fortress acr… The alarum of drums swept past, Or a bugle blast
In the long, sleepless watches of… A gentle face —the face of one lon… Looks at me from the wall, where r… The night—lamp casts a halo of pal… Here in this room she died; and so…
‘All the old gods are dead, All the wild warlocks fled; But the White Christ lives and re… And throughout my wide domains His Gospel shall be spread!’
By yon still river, where the wave Is winding slow at evening’s close… The beech, upon a nameless grave, Its sadly—moving shadow throws. O’er the fair woods the sun looks…