Will then, Duperrier, thy sorrow… And shall the sad discourse Whispered within thy heart, by ten… Only augment its force? Thy daughter’s mournful fate, into…
Can it be the sun descending O’er the level plain of water? Or the Red Swan floating, flying, Wounded by the magic arrow, Staining all the waves with crimso…
In the long, sleepless watches of… A gentle face —the face of one lon… Looks at me from the wall, where r… The night—lamp casts a halo of pal… Here in this room she died; and so…
Christ to the young man said: ‘Ye… If thou wouldst perfect be, Sell all thou hast and give it to… And come and follow me!’ Within this temple Christ again,…
There sat one day in quiet, By an alehouse on the Rhine, Four hale and hearty fellows, And drank the precious wine. The landlord’s daughter filled the…
I have read, in some old, marvello… Some legend strange and vague, That a midnight host of spectres p… Beleaguered the walls of Prague. Beside the Moldau’s rushing strea…
I stood upon the hills, when heave… Was glorious with the sun’s return… And woods were brightened, and sof… Went forth to kiss the sun—clad va… The clouds were far beneath me; ba…
‘A pleasant and a winsome tale,’ The Student said, ‘though somewha… And quiet in its coloring, As if it caught its tone and air From the gray suits that Quakers…
Rabbi Ben Levi, on the Sabbath,… A volume of the Law, in which it… ‘No man shall look upon my face an… And as he read, he prayed that Go… His faithful servant grace with mo…
In the heroic days when Ferdinand And Isabella ruled the Spanish la… And Torquemada, with his subtle b… Ruled them, as Grand Inquisitor o… In a great castle near Valladolid…
The battle is fought and won By King Ladislaus, the Hun, In fire of hell and death’s frost, On the day of Pentecost. And in rout before his path
The old house by the lindens Stood silent in the shade, And on the gravelled pathway The light and shadow played. I saw the nursery windows
Into the Silent Land! Ah! who shall lead us thither? Clouds in the evening sky more dar… And shattered wrecks lie thicker o… Who leads us with a gentle hand
At Atri in Abruzzo, a small town Of ancient Roman date, but scant… One of those little places that ha… Half up the hill, beneath a blazin… And then sat down to rest, as if t…
At the foot of the mountain height Where is perched Castel Cuille, When the apple, the plum, and the… In the plain below were growing wh… This is the song one might perceiv…