Lo! where the Moon along the sky Sails with her happy destiny; Oft is she hid from mortal eye Or dimly seen, But when the clouds asunder fly
Nay, Traveller! rest. This lonely… Far from all human dwelling: what… No sparkling rivulet spread the ve… What if the bee love not these bar… Yet, if the wind breathe soft, the…
CLARKSON! it was an obstinate… How toilsome—nay, how dire—it was,… Is known; by none, perhaps, so fee… But thou, who, starting in thy fer… Didst first lead forth that enterp…
‘REST, rest, perturbed Earth! O rest, thou doleful Mother of Ma… A Spirit sang in tones more plain… 'From regions where no evil thing… I come—thy stains to wash away,
“There is a Thorn—it looks so old… In truth, you’d find it hard to sa… How it could ever have been young, It looks so old and grey. Not higher than a two years’ child
Who is the happy Warrior? Who is… That every man in arms should wish… —It is the generous Spirit, who,… Among the tasks of real life, hath… Upon the plan that pleased his boy…
SWEET Highland Girl, a very sho… Of beauty is thy earthly dower! Twice seven consenting years have… Their utmost bounty on thy head: And these grey rocks; that househo…
SAY, what is Honour?—'Tis the fi… Of 'justice’ which the human mind… Intent each lurking frailty to dis… And guard the way of life from all… Suffered or done. When lawless vi…
In distant countries I have been, And yet I have not often seen A healthy man, a man full grown, Weep in the public roads alone. But such a one, on English ground…
YET, yet, Biscayans! we must mee… With firmer soul, yet labour to re… Our ancient freedom; else 'twere w… To gather round the bier these fes… A garland fashioned of the pure wh…
IN due observance of an ancient r… The rude Biscayans, when their ch… Dead in the sinless time of infanc… Attire the peaceful corse in vestm… And, in like sign of cloudless tri…
FROM that time forth, Authority… Put on a milder face; Terror had… Yet everything was wanting that mi… Courage to them who looked for goo… Of rational Experience, for the s…
To barren heath, bleak moor, and q… Or depth of labyrinthine glen; Or into trackless forest set With trees, whose lofty umbrage me… World—wearied Men withdrew of yor…
OFT have I caught, upon a fitful… Fragments of far—off melodies, With ear not coveting the whole, A part so charmed the pensive soul… While a dark storm before my sight
AN Orpheus! an Orpheus! yes, Fai… And take to herself all the wonder… Near the stately Pantheon you’ll… In the street that from Oxford ha… His station is there; and he works…