What if this present were the worl… Mark in my heart, O soul, where t… The picture of Christ crucified,… Whether that countenance can thee… Tears in his eyes quench the amazi…
No man is an island, Entire of itself; Every man is a piece of the contin… A part of the main. If a clod be washed away by the se…
Where, like a pillow on a bed A pregnant bank swell’d up to rest The violet’s reclining head, Sat we two, one another’s best. Our hands were firmly cemented
Whoever comes to shroud me, do not… Nor question much That subtle wreath of hair, which… The mystery, the sign, you must no… For 'tis my outward soul,
I wonder, by my troth, what thou a… Did, till we loved? Were we not w… But sucked on country pleasures, c… Or snorted we in the Seven Sleepe… ’Twas so; but this, all pleasures…
Show me dear Christ, thy spouse s… What! is it she which on the other… Goes richly painted? or which, rob… Laments and mourns in Germany and… Sleeps she a thousand, then peeps…
If poisonous minerals, and if that… Whose fruit threw death on else im… If lecherous goats, if serpents en… Cannot be damn’d, alas, why should… Why should intent or reason, born…
Wilt thou forgive that sin where… Which was my sin, though it were d… Wilt thou forgive that sin, throug… And do run still, though still I… When thou hast done, thou hast not…
At the round earth’s imagined corn… Your trumpets, angels, and arise,… From death, you numberless infinit… Of souls, and to your scattered bo… All whom the flood did, and fire s…
Oh my black soul! now art thou sum… By sickness, death’s herald, and c… Thou art like a pilgrim, which abr… Treason, and durst not turn to whe… Or like a thief, which till death’…
Kind pity chokes my spleen; brave… Those tears to issue which swell m… I must not laugh, nor weep sins an… Can railing, then, cure these worn… Is not our mistress, fair Religio…
Oh, to vex me, contraries meet in… Inconstancy unnaturally hath begot A constant habit; that when I wou… I change in vows, and in devotion. As humorous is my contrition
SEND me some tokens, that my hop… Or that my easeless thoughts may s… Send me some honey, to make sweet… That in my passions I may hope th… I beg nor ribbon wrought with thin…
If yet I have not all thy love, Dear, I shall never have it all; I cannot breathe one other sigh, t… Nor can intreat one other tear to… And all my treasure, which should…
Let mans Soule be a Spheare, and… The intelligence that moves, devot… And as the other Spheares, by bei… Subject to forraigne motion, lose… And being by others hurried every…