Two voices are there: one is of th… It learns the storm-cloud’s thunde… Now roars, now murmurs with the ch… Now bird-like pipes, now closes so… And one is of an old half-witted s…
I. The husband’s. She’s not a faultless woman; no! She’s not an angel in disguise: She has her rivals here below: She’s not an unexampled prize:
In a wild moraine of forgotten boo… On the glacier of years gone by, As I plied my rake for order’s sa… There was one that caught my eye: And I sat by the shelf till I los…
If I’ve dared laugh at you, Rober… ’Tis with eyes that with you have… You have oftener left me smiling o… Than any beside, one bard except. But once you spoke to me, storm-to…
I am not ambitious at all: I am not a poet, I know (Though I do love to see a mere s… To order and symmetry grow). My muse is uncertain and slow,
Of sentences that stir my bile, Of phrases I detest, There’s one beyond all others vile… “He did it for the best.” Of course he did: I don’t suppose…
As long I dwell on some stupendou… And tremendous (Heaven defend us!… Monstr’-inform’-ingens-horrendous Demoniaco-seraphic Penman’s latest piece of graphic.
1. IN THE BACKS. As I was strolling lonely in the… I met a woman whom I did not like… I did not like the way the woman w… Loose-hipped, big-boned, disjointe…
There are people, I know, to be f… Who say, and apparently think, That sorrow and care may be drowne… By a timely consumption of drink. Does not man, these enthusiasts as…
1. ON A RHINE STEAMER. Republic of the West, Enlightened, free, sublime, Unquestionably best Production of our time.
Belgian, with cumbrous tread and i… Who in the murky middle of the nig… Designing to renew the foul pursui… In which thy life is passed, ill-f… And wishing on the platform to ali…
At school I sometimes read a book… And learned a lot of lessons; Some small amount of pains I took… And showed much acquiescence In what my masters said, good men!
(From Her Point of View) When I had firmly answered 'No’, And he allowed that that was so, I really thought I should be free For good and all from Mr B.,
Henley, June 7, 1891. Shall we, to whom the stream by ri… Who travel silent, save, perchance… Whose track’s a ripple,—leaves the… Nor frights the swan—scarce makes…