#AmericanWriters #FemaleWriters
O Lord, Thou hear’st my daily moa… And see’st my dropping tears. My troubles all are Thee before, My longings and my fears. Thou hitherto hast been my God;
A ship that bears much sail, and little ballast, is easily overset; and that man, whose head hath great abilities, and his heart little or no grace, is in danger of foundering. The fi...
Dear Sir of late delighted with t… Of your four Sisters cloth’d in b… Of fairer Dames the Sun, ne’r saw… Though made a pedestal for Adams… Their worth so shines in these ric…
Lo, now four other act upon the st… Childhood and Youth, the Many and… The first son unto phlegm, grandch… Unstable, supple, cold and moist’s… The second, frolic, claims his ped…
When Sorrowes had begyrt me rovnd… And Paines within and out, When in my flesh no part was sovnd… Then didst thou rid me out. My burning flesh in sweat did boyl…
When time was young, & World in I… Man did not proudly strive for So… But each one thought his petty Ru… If of his house he held the Monar… This was the golden Age, but afte…
My head, my heart, mine Eyes, my… My joy, my Magazine of earthly st… If two be one, as surely thou and… How stayest thou there, whilst I… So many steps, head from the heart…
Most truly honoured, and as truly… If worth in me or ought I do appe… Who can of right better demand the… Than may your worthy self from who… The principal might yield a greate…
What God is like to him I serve, What Saviour like to mine? O, never let me from thee swerue, For truly I am thine. My thankfull mouth shall speak thy…
Lo now! four other acts upon the s… Childhood, and Youth, the Manly,… The first: son unto Phlegm, grand… Unstable, supple, moist, and cold’… The second: frolic claims his pedi…
2. Sam. 1. 19. Alas slain is the… Illustrious Saul whose beauty did… Upon thy places mountainous and hi… How did the Mighty fall, and fall… In Gath let not this things be sp…
All Praise to him who hath now tu… My feares to Joyes, my sighes to… My Teares to smiles, my sad to gl… He’s come for whom I waited long. Thou di’st preserve him as he went…
Twice ten years old not fully told since nature gave me breath, My race is run, my thread spun, lo! here is fatal death. All men must die, and so must I;
All things within this fading worl… Adversity doth still our joyes att… No ties so strong, no friends so d… But with death’s parting blow is s… The sentence past is most irrevoca…
In silent night when rest I took For sorrow near I did not look I waked was with thund’ring noise And piteous shrieks of dreadful vo… That fearful sound of “Fire!” and…