#AmericanWriters #BlackWriters
When I get to be a composer I’m gonna write me some music abou… Daybreak in Alabama And I’m gonna put the purtiest so… Rising out of the ground like a sw…
Tell all my mourners To mourn in red — Cause there ain’t no sense In my bein’ dead.
Let’s go see Old Abe Sitting in the marble and the moon… Sitting lonely in the marble and t… Quiet for ten thousand centuries,… Quiet for a million, million years…
Oh, silver tree! Oh, shining rivers of the soul! In a Harlem cabaret Six long—headed jazzers play. A dancing girl whose eyes are bold
And that is what poetry may do, wrap up your dreams, protect and preserve and hold them until maybe they come true. Columbus dreamed of finding a new world, he found it. Edison dreamed ...
Droning a drowsy syncopated tune, Rocking back and forth to a mellow… I heard a Negro play. Down on Lenox Avenue the other ni… By the pale dull pallor of an old…
When you turn the corner And you run into yourself Then you know that you have turned All the corners that are left
Democracy will not come Today, this year Nor ever Through compromise and fear. I have as much right
From Christ to Ghandi Appears this truth— St. Francis of Assisi Proves it, too: Goodness becomes grandeur
It was a long time ago. I have almost forgotten my dream. But it was there then, In front of me, Bright like a sun—
When the old junk man Death Comes to gather up our bodies And toss them into the sack of obl… I wonder if he will find The corpse of a white multi—millio…
I would liken you To a night without stars Were it not for your eyes. I would liken you To a sleep without dreams
God in His infinite wisdom Did not make me very wise— So when my actions are stupid They hardly take God by surprise
How quiet It is in this sick room Where on the bed A silent woman lies between two lo… Life and Death,
Go home and write a page tonight. And let that page come out of you— Then, it will be true. I wonder if it’s that simple?