She LIKE a serpent to the calling vo… Glides my heart into thy fingers,… Where the night—wind, like a lover… His jasmine—gardens and sirisha—bo…
EYES ravished with rapture, cele… Drink deep of the hush of the hyac… O wild and entrancing the strain o… And beautiful dancers with houri—l… The scents of red roses and sandal…
SHALT thou be conquered of a hum… My liege, my lover, whose imperial… Hath never bent in sorrow of defea… Shalt thou be vanquished, whose im… Have shattered armies and stamped…
Lightly, O lightly we bear her al… She sways like a flower in the win… She skims like a bird on the foam… She floats like a laugh from the l… Gaily, O gaily we glide and we si…
HAVE YOU found me, at last, O… You died and I buried you deep un… Why have you come hither? Who bad… And track me beyond the cerulean f… Would you tear from my lintels the…
WEAVERS, weaving at break of da… Why do you weave a garment so gay?… Blue as the wing of a halcyon wild… We weave the robes of a new—born c… Weavers, weaving at fall of night,
In noon—tide hours, O Love, secur… I need thee not; mad dreams are mi… The world to my desire, and hold t… A voiceless captive to my conqueri… I need thee not, I am content wit…
Nay, do not grieve tho’ life be fu… Dawn will not veil her spleandor f… Nor spring deny their bright, appo… To lotus blossom and ashoka leaf. Nay, do not pine, tho’ life be dar…
DEIGN, Prince, my tribute to re… This lyric offering to your name, Who round your jewelled scepter bi… The lilies of a poet’s fame; Beneath whose sway concordant dwel…
I MUSE among these silent fanes Whose spacious darkness guards you… Around me sleep the hoary plains That hold your ancient wars in tru… I pause, my dreaming spirit hears,
WHEN dawn’s first cymbals beat u… Rousing the world to labour’s vari… To tend the flock, to bind the mel… From ardent toil to forge a little… And fasting men go forth on hurryi…
SEE how the speckled sky burns li… Jewelled with embers of opal and p… See the white river that flashes a… Curved like a tusk from the mouth… Hark, from the minaret, how the mu…
O YOUNG through all thy immemor… Rise, Mother, rise, regenerate fr… And, like a bride high—mated with… Beget new glories from thine agele… The nations that in fettered darkn…
UNWILLING priestess in thy cru… Long hast thou held me, pitiless g… Bound to thy worship by reluctant… My tired breast girt with sufferin… Anointed with perpetual weariness.
NAY, no longer I may hold you, In my spirit’s soft caresses, Nor like lotus—leaves enfold you In the tangles of my tresses. Fairy fancies, fly away