#AmericanWriters #FemaleWriters #XIXCentury
THE BAT is dun with wrinkled wi… Like fallow article, And not a song pervades his lips, Or none perceptible. His small umbrella, quaintly halve…
155 The Murmur of a Bee A Witchcraft—yieldeth me— If any ask me why— ’Twere easier to die—
546 To fill a Gap Insert the Thing that caused it— Block it up With Other—and 'twill yawn the mo…
729 Alter! When the Hills do— Falter! When the Sun Question if His Glory Be the Perfect One—
500 Within my Garden, rides a Bird Upon a single Wheel— Whose spokes a dizzy Music make As ’twere a travelling Mill—
423 The Months have ends—the Years—a… No Power can untie To stretch a little further A Skein of Misery—
His bill an auger is, His head, a cap and frill. He laboreth at every tree,— A worm his utmost goal.
Tie the strings to my life, my Lo… Then I am ready to go! Just a look at the horses— Rapid! That will do! Put me in on the firmest side,
694 The Heaven vests for Each In that small Deity It craved the grace to worship Some bashful Summer’s Day—
586 We talked as Girls do— Fond, and late— We speculated fair, on every subje… Of ours, none affair—
A Word dropped careless on a Page May stimulate an eye When folded in perpetual seam The Wrinkled Maker lie Infection in the sentence breeds
146 On such a night, or such a night, Would anybody care If such a little figure Slipped quiet from its chair—
This quiet dust was gentlemen and… And lads and girls; Was laughter and ability and sighi… And frocks and curls; This passive place a summer’s nimb…
976 Death is a Dialogue between The Spirit and the Dust. “Dissolve” says Death—The Spirit… I have another Trust”—
LVI Faith is a fine invention For gentlemen who see; But microscopes are prudent In an emergency!