The grackle’s voice is less than m… His heart is black, his eye is yel… He bullies more attractive birds With hoodlum deeds and vulgar word… And should a human interfere,
Now another day is breaking, Sleep was sweet and so is waking. Dear Lord, I promised you last ni… Never again to sulk or fight. Such vows are easier to keep
Hypochondriacs Spend the winter at the bottom of… the Adirondriacs. You go to Paris and live on champ… If you’re dipsomognac.
Praise the spells and bless the ch… I found April in my arms. April golden, April cloudy, Gracious, cruel, tender, rowdy; April soft in flowered languor,
The firefly’s flame Is something for which science has… I can think of nothing eerier Than flying around with an unident… person’s posteerier.
Oh, weep for Mr. and Mrs. Bryan! He was eaten by a lion; Following which, the lion’s liones… Up and swallowed Bryan’s Bryaness…
Consider the auk; Becoming extinct because he forgot… Consider man, who may well become… Because he forgot how to walk and…
When people aren’t asking question… They’re making suggestions And when they’re not doing one of… They’re either looking over your s… And then as if that weren’t enough…
Who wants my jellyfish? I’m not sellyfish!
O all ye exorcizers come and exorcize now, and ye clergymen draw nigh and clerge, For I wish to be purged of an urge. It is an irksome urge, compounded of nettles and glue, And it is...
Nothing makes me sicker than liquor and candy is too expandy
One thing that literature would be… Would be a more restricted employm… metaphor. Authors of all races, be they Gre… Can’t seem just to say that anythi…
As I was going to St. Ives I met a man with seven lives; Seven lives, In seven sacks, Like seven beeves
He who is ridden by a conscience Worries about a lot of nonscience; He without benefit of scruples His fun and income soon quadruples…
I objurgate the centipede, A bug we do not really need. At sleepy-time he beats a path Straight to the bedroom or the bat… You always wallop where he’s not,