I didn’t go to church today, I trust the Lord to understand. The surf was swirling blue and whi… The children swirling on the sand. He knows, He knows how brief my s…
I’ve never seen an abominable snow… I’m hoping not to see one, I’m also hoping, if I do, That it will be a wee one.
Husbands are things that wives have to get used to putting up with. And with whom they breakfast with and sup with. They interfere with the discipline of nurseries, They ...
For years we’ve had a little dog, Last year we acquired a big dog; He wasn’t big when we got him, He was littler than the dog we had… We thought our little dog would lo…
The firefly’s flame Is something for which science has… I can think of nothing eerier Than flying around with an unident… person’s posteerier.
Enter, breath; Breath, slip out; Blood, be channeled, And wind about. O, blessed breath and blood which…
Consider the auk; Becoming extinct because he forgot… Consider man, who may well become… Because he forgot how to walk and…
How wise I am to have instructed… I am about to volunteer a definiti… Just as I know that there are two… I know that marriage is a legal an… Moreover, just as I am unsure of…
Affection is a noble quality; It leads to generosity and jollity… But it also leads to breach of pro… If you go around lavishing it on r…
Now when I have a cold I am careful with my cold, I consult a physician And I do as I am told. I muffle up my torso
Unwillingly Miranda wakes, Feels the sun with terror, One unwilling step she takes, Shuddering to the mirror. Miranda in Miranda’s sight
A flea and a fly in a flue Were imprisoned, so what could the… Said the fly, “let us flee!” “Let us fly!” said the flea. So they flew through a flaw in the…
I objurgate the centipede, A bug we do not really need. At sleepy-time he beats a path Straight to the bedroom or the bat… You always wallop where he’s not,
Tell me, O Octopus, I begs Is those things arms, or is they l… I marvel at thee, Octopus; If I were thou, I’d call me Us.
There here are words of radical ad… Young man, be a snob. Yes, if you are in search of argum… Why I’ve gottem. Let the personnel managers differ;