#AmericanWriters #1993 #ThePleasuresOfTheDamned
light brown stare that dumb blank marvelous light brown stare I’ll take care of it.
too much too little too fat too thin or nobody.
rose red sunlight; take it apart in the garage like a puzzle:
it’s the same as before or the other time or the time before that. here’s a cock and here’s a cunt
they go on writing pumping out poems— young boys and college professors wives who drink wine all afternoon while their husbands work,
Of all the guys left in the neighborhood, Frank was the nicest. We got to be friends, we got to going around together, we didn’t need the other guys much. They had more or less kicked F...
we have everything and we have not… and some men do it in churches and some men do it by tearing butt… in half and some men do it in Palm Spring…
the other day I’m out at the track betting Early Bird that’s when you bet at the track before it opens)
Thanks for the good letter. I don’t think it hurts, sometimes, to remember where you came from. You know the places where I came from. Even the people who try to write about that or mak...
I’m not going to die easy; I’ve sat on your suicide beds in some of the worst holes in America,
swans die in the Spring too and there it floated dead on a Sunday sideways circling in the current
call it love stand it up in the failing light put it in a dress pray sing beg cry laugh
Either peace or happiness, let it enfold you when I was a young man I felt these things were dumb, unsophisticated.
I get many phonecalls now. They are all alike. “are you Charles Bukowski, the writer?” “yes,” I tell them.
I was the last one off the plane and there was Joanna Dover. “Joanna, let’s have a Bloody Mary while we wait for my baggage. Oh hell, I don’t have any baggage. But let’s have a Bloody M...