Who wants my jellyfish? I’m not sellyfish!
There here are words of radical ad… Young man, be a snob. Yes, if you are in search of argum… Why I’ve gottem. Let the personnel managers differ;
Cuckoos lead Bohemian lives, They fail as husbands and as wives… Therefore they cynically disparage Everybody else’s marriage.
The rhino is a homely beast, For human eyes he’s not a feast. Farwell, farewell, you old rhinoce… I’ll stare at something less prepo…
One thing that literature would be… Would be a more restricted employm… metaphor. Authors of all races, be they Gre… Can’t seem just to say that anythi…
"Beep-beep. BANKERS TRUST AUTOMOB… You’ll find a banker at Bankers T… Advertisement in N.Y. Times When comes my second childhood,
The people upstairs all practise b… Their living room is a bowling all… Their bedroom is full of conducted… Their radio is louder than yours, They celebrate week-ends all the w…
It is common knowledge to every sc… That all sin is divided into two p… One kind of sin is called a sin of… And it is what you are doing when… And the other kind of sin is just…
The pig, if I am not mistaken; Supplies us sausage, ham, and baco… Let others say his heart is big— I call it stupid of the pig.
In Baltimore there lived a boy. He wasn’t anybody’s joy. Although his name was Jabez Dawes… His character was full of flaws. In school he never led his classes…
Unwillingly Miranda wakes, Feels the sun with terror, One unwilling step she takes, Shuddering to the mirror. Miranda in Miranda’s sight
The solitary huntsman No coat of pink doth wear, But midnight black from cap to spu… Upon his midnight mare. He drones a tuneless jingle
The truth I do not stretch or sho… When I state that the dog is full… I’ve also found, by actual test, A wet dog is the lovingest.
Consider the auk; Becoming extinct because he forgot… Consider man, who may well become… Because he forgot how to walk and…
People who have what they want are… And I wish I could afford to gath… I dont’ mind their having a lot of… But I do think that they damn wel… But no, they insist on being steal…