Puellae. Whence comest thou, and whither go… Abide! abide! longer the shadows g… What hopest thou the dark to thee… Abide! abide! for we are happy her…
Gold on her head, and gold on her… And gold where the hems of her kir… And a golden girdle round my sweet… Ah! qu’elle est belle La Margueri… Margaret’s maids are fair to see,
Silk Embroidery. Lo silken my garden, and silken my sky, And silken my apple-boughs hanging on high;
The wind’s on the wold And the night is a-cold, And Thames runs chill ‘Twixt mead and hill. But kind and dear
Lo from our loitering ship a new l… Toothed rocks down the side of the… And black slope the hillsides abov… And a peak rises up on the west fr… Foursquare from base unto point li…
Ho! is there any will ride with me… Sir Giles, le bon des barrières? The clink of arms is good to hear, The flap of pennons fair to see; Ho! is there any will ride with me…
Spring went about the woods to-day… The soft-foot winter-thief, And found where idle sorrow lay ’Twixt flower and faded leaf. She looked on him, and found him f…
Come hither lads and hearken, for a tale there is to tell, Of the wonderful days a-coming, wh… shall be better than well. And the tale shall be told of a co…
In Denmark gone is many a year, So fair upriseth the rim of the su… Two sons of Gorm the King there w… So grey is the sea when day is don… Both these were gotten in lawful b…
Sad-Eyed and soft and grey thou a… Across the long grass of the marsh… Thy west wind whispers of the comi… Thy lark forgets that May is grow… Above the lush blades of the sprin…
What part of the dread eternity Are those strange minutes that I… Mazed with the doubt of love and p… When I thy delicate face may see, A little while before farewell?
Hast thou longed through weary day… For the sight of one loved face? Mast thou cried aloud for rest, Mid the pain of sundering hours; Cried aloud for sleep and death,
What cometh here from west to east… And who are these, the marchers st… We bear the message that the rich… Aback to those who bade them wake… Not one, not one, nor thousands mu…
There were four of us about that b… The mass-priest knelt at the side, I and his mother stood at the head… Over his feet lay the bride; We were quite sure that he was dea…
Slayer of the winter, art thou her… O welcome, thou that’s bring’st th… The bitter wind makes not thy vict… Nor will we mock thee for thy fain… Welcome, O March! whose kindly da…