Xaipe: Seventy-One Poems
#AmericanWriters #Modernism #1950 #Xaipe
Thou in whose sword-great story sh… Of history her heroes, sounds the… Of those vast armies of the marchi… With standards and the neighing of… Moving to war across the smiling m…
i walked the boulevard i saw a dirty child skating on noisy wheels of joy pathetic dress fluttering behind her a mothermonster
a connotation of infinity sharpens the temporal splendor of… when souls which have forgot frivo… in lowliness,noting the fatal flig… of worlds whereto this earth’s a h…
Babylon slim -ness of evenslicing eyes are chisels scarlet Goes
Who threw the silver dollar up i… … lady who sews and grows every day… ing and that’s the truth,
nobody loses all the time i had an uncle named Sol who was a born failure and nearly everybody said he should ha… into vaudeville perhaps because my…
Picasso you give us things which bulge:grunting lungs pumped full o… you make us shrill
Doll’s boy ’s asleep under a stile he sees eight and twenty ladies in a line the first lady
there is a moon sole in the blue night amorous of waters
(the phonograph’s voice like a kee… quickly over patriotic swill. The,negress,in the,rocker by the,c… and tipping,the flocks of pigeons.… ful loneliness,and the rather fat
a kike is the most dangerous machine as yet invented by even yankee ingenu ity(out of a jew a few dead dollars and some twisted laws…
in making Marjorie god hurried a boy’s body on unsuspicious legs of girl. his left hand quarri… the quartzlike face. his right sla… the amusing big vital vicious
your little voice Over the wires… and i felt suddenly dizzy With the jostling and shoutin…
as freedom is a breakfastfood or truth can live with right and w… or molehills are from mountains ma… —long enough and just so long will being pay the rent of seem
perhaps it is to feel strike the silver fish of her nakedness with fins sharply pleasant,my youth has travelled toward her the… or to snare the timid like