The nations are in the proving; Each day is Judgment Day; And the peoples He finds wanting Shall pass—by the Shadowy Way.
For every Guest who comes with hi… The Host compounds a strangely mi… Red Wine of Life and Dregs of Bi… And, will-he, nil-he, each must dr…
“My heart to-day Is strangely full of home! How is it With the dear ones over there? Five years!
Burden-bearers are we all, Great and small. Burden-sharers be ye all, Great and small! Where another shares the load,
I trod an arduous way, but came at… To where the city walls rose fair… Above the darkening plain,—a goodl… And eagerly, while yet a great way… My eyes did seek the Gates—the Gr…
Lord, when on my bed I lie, Sleepless, unto Thee I’ll cry; When my brain works overmuch, Stay the wheels with Thy soft tou… Just a quiet thought of Thee,
Hello! Hello! Are you there? Are you there? Ah! That you? Well,— This is just to tell you That there’s trouble in the air...
The Greatest Day that ever dawned… It was a Winter’s Morn. The Finest Temple ever built Was a Shed where a Babe was born. The Sweetest Robes by woman wroug…
God is; God sees; God loves; God knows. And Right is Right;
We thank Thee, Lord, That of Thy tender grace, In our distress Thou hast not left us wholly comfo… We thank Thee, Lord,
God is a zealous pruner, For He knows— Who, falsely tender, spares the kn… But spoils the rose.
Not what, but WHOM, I do believ… That, in my darkest hour of need, Hath comfort that no mortal creed To mortal man may give;— Not what, but WHOM!
By the grace of God and the coura… Of the peoples far and wide, By the toil and sweat of those who… And the blood of those who died, We have won the fight, we have sav…
Fold up the tent! The sun is in the West. To-morrow my untented soul will ra… Among the blest. And I am well content,
Soul, dost thou fear For to-day or to-morrow? ’Tis the part of a fool To go seeking sorrow. Of thine own doing