Is life worth living? It depends on your believing;— If it ends with this short span, Then is man no better than The beasts that perish.
Where are you sleeping to-night,… Above-ground—or below? The last we heard you were up at t… Holding a trench and bearing the b… But—that was a week ago.
Is your place a small place? Tend it with care!— He set you there. Is your place a large place? Guard it with care!—
By the grace of God and the coura… Of the peoples far and wide, By the toil and sweat of those who… And the blood of those who died, We have won the fight, we have sav…
As gold is tried in the furnace, So He tries the hearts of men; And the dwale and the dross shall… When He tries the hearts of men. And the wood, and the hay, and the…
Though every nerve be strained To fine accomplishment, Full oft the life fall spent Before the prize is gained. And, in our discontent
The spikenard was not wasted;— All down the tale of years, The fragrance of that broken alaba… Still clings to Mary’s memory, As clung its perfume sweet unto he…
When the Bells of Ys rang softly,… Soft—and sweet—and low, Not a sound was heard in the old g… As the silvery tones came floating… But life stood still with uncovere…
Earthly props are useless, On Thy grace I fall; Earthly strength is weakness, Father, on Thee I call,— For comfort, strength, and guidanc…
We thank Thee, Lord, For all Thy Golden Silences,— For every Sabbath from the world’… For every respite from the stress… Silence of moorlands rolling to th…
Through every minute of this day, Be with me, Lord! Through every day of all this week… Be with me, Lord! Through every week of all this yea…
Say once again Thy sweet “I will!… In answer to my prayers. “Lord, if Thou wilt!”— —“I will! Rise up above thy cares!”
King’s Daughter! Wouldst thou be all fair, Without—within— Peerless and beautiful, A very Queen?
O God, within whose sight All men have equal right To worship Thee. Break every bar that holds Thy flock in diverse folds!
We come from the gloom of the shad… Out away on the fringe of the Nig… Where no man could tell, when the… If his eyes would behold the light… To—the—Night,—