When the outer eye grows dim, Turns the inner eye to Him, Who makes darkness light. Fairer visions you may see, Live in nobler company,
Out of all the reek and turmoil Of the dreadful battle-plain, Came a voice insistent, calling, Calling, calling, but in vain;— “Through Me only
Lord, Thou hast stricken us, smit… Winnowed us fine on the dread thre… “Had I not reason?—far you had st… Vain was My calling, you would no… Low in the dust, Lord, our hearts…
Lord God of Hosts, whose mighty h… Dominion holds on sea and land, In Peace and War Thy Will we see Shaping the larger liberty. Nations may rise and nations fall,
The spikenard was not wasted;— All down the tale of years, The fragrance of that broken alaba… Still clings to Mary’s memory, As clung its perfume sweet unto he…
On Christmas Day The Child was b… On Christmas Day in the morning;— —To tread the long way, lone and l… —To wear the bitter crown of thorn… —To break the heart by man’s sins…
When the Bells of Ys rang softly,… Soft—and sweet—and low, Not a sound was heard in the old g… As the silvery tones came floating… But life stood still with uncovere…
Art thou lonely, O my brother? Share thy little with another! Stretch a hand to one unfriended, And thy loneliness is ended. So both thou and he
I stood, unseen, within a sumptous… Where one clothed all in white sat… So sweet his presence that a pure… Rayed from him, and I saw—most wo… The Love of God shrined in the fl…
We come from the gloom of the shad… Out away on the fringe of the Nig… Where no man could tell, when the… If his eyes would behold the light… To—the—Night,—
Thank God for Peace! Up to the sombre sky Rolled one great thankful sigh, Rolled one great gladsome cry— The soul’s deliverance of a mighty…
Long the road, Till Love came down it! Dark the life, Till Love did crown it! Dark the life,
Not what, but WHOM, I do believ… That, in my darkest hour of need, Hath comfort that no mortal creed To mortal man may give;— Not what, but WHOM!
I;— Thou;— We;— They;— Small words, but mighty.
By William Arthur Dunkerley (Joh… "‘See this my garden, Large and fair!’" —Thus, to his friend, The Philosopher.