#AmericanWriters #XIXCentury #1855 #LeavesOfGrass
LONG I thought that knowledge al… but obtain knowledge! Then my lands engrossed me—Lands… southern savannas, engrossed me—Fo… be their orator;
Proud music of the storm, Blast that careers so free, whistl… Strong hum of forest tree-tops—win… Personified dim shapes—you hidden… You serenades of phantoms with ins…
Chanting the square deific, out of… Out of the old and new, out of the… Solid, four-sided, (all the sides… Old Brahm I, and I Saturnius am; Not Time affects me—I am Time, o…
A newer garden of creation, no pri… Dense, joyous, modern, populous mi… With iron interlaced, composite, t… By all the world contributed—freed… The crown and teeming paradise, so…
Where the city’s ceaseless crowd m… Withdrawn I join a group of child… By the curb toward the edge of the… A knife-grinder works at his wheel… Bending over he carefully holds it…
After the sea-ship, after the whis… After the white-gray sails taut to… Below, a myriad myriad waves haste… Tending in ceaseless flow toward t… Waves of the ocean bubbling and gu…
Greater than memory of Achilles o… More, more by far to thee than tom… Those cart loads of old charnel as… Once living men—once resolute cour… The stepping stones to thee to-day…
I hear it was charged against me t… But really I am neither for nor a… (What indeed have I in common wit… destruction of them?) Only I will establish in the Mann…
Sometimes with one I love I fill… unreturn’d love, But now I think there is no unret… or another (I loved a certain person ardently…
O to make the most jubilant song! Full of music-full of manhood, wom… Full of common employments-full of… O for the voices of animals-O for… O for the dropping of raindrops in…
AN old man bending, I come, among… Years looking backward, resuming,… Come tell us, old man, as from you… (Arous’d and angry, I’d thought t… but soon my fingers fail’d me, my…
In some unused lagoon, some namele… On sluggish, lonesome waters, anch… An old, dismasted, gray and batter… After free voyages to all the seas… tight,
LET us twain walk aside from the… Now we are together privately, do… mony; Come! vouchsafe to me what has yet… safed to none—Tell me the whole st…
EARTH, round, rolling, compact—s… mals—all these are words to be sai… Watery, vegetable, sauroid advance… tions, lispings of the future, Behold! these are vast words to be…
How solemn as one by one, As the ranks returning worn and sw… As the faces the masks appear, as… (As I glance upward out of this p… you are,)