#ScottishWriters #BalladesYRhymes
Long life hath taught me many thin… That lukewarm loves for men who di… Weak wine of liking let them mix a… Not Love, that stings the soul wi… Happy, who wears his love-bonds li…
I would my days had been in other… A moment in the long unnumbered ye… That knew the sway of Horus and o… In peaceful lands that border on t… I would my days had been in other…
There liv’d twa sisters in a bower… Hey Edinbruch, how Edinbruch. There liv’d twa sisters in a bower… Stirling for aye: The youngest o’ them, O, she was…
I know Cythera long is desolate; I know the winds have stripp’d the… Alas, my friends! beneath the fier… A barren reef lies where Love’s f… Nor ever lover on that coast is se…
There lived a king in southern lan… King Edward hight his name; Unwordily he wore the crown, Till fifty years were gane. He had a sister’s son o’s ain,
There are laddies will drive ye a… To the burn frae the farthermost t… But ye mauna think driving is a’, Ye may heel her, and send her ajee… Ye may land in the sand or the sea…
AS one that for a weary space has… Lull’d by the song of Circe and h… In gardens near the pale of Prose… Where that Aeaean isle forgets th… And only the low lutes of love com…
Homer, thy song men liken to the s… With all the notes of music in its… With tides that wash the dim domin… Of Hades, and light waves that la… Around the isles enchanted; nay, t…
1731 BEAUTIFUL face of a child, Lighted with laughter and glee, Mirthful, and tender, and wild, My heart is heavy for thee!
A. Ye Highlands, and ye Lawlands Oh where have you been? They have slain the Earl of Murra… And they layd him on the green.
Thine eyes are like the sea, my de… The wand’ring waters, green and gr… Thine eyes are wonderful and clear… And deep, and deadly, even as they… The spirit of the changeful sea
“What did the dark-haired Iberian… Aryan drove him into the corners o… I am an ancient Jest! Palæolithic man In his arboreal nest
Fair Amaryllis, wilt thou never p… From forth the cave, and call me,… Lo, apples ten I bear thee from t… These didst thou long for, and all… Ah, would I were a honey-bee to s…
Who have loved and ceased to love,… That ever they loved in their live… Only remember the fever and fret, And the pain of Love, that was al… All the delight of him passes away
As I came in by Dunidier, An doun by Netherha, There was fifty thousand Hielanme… A marching to Harlaw. (Chorus) Wi a dree dree dradie dr…