For Marcia
THE COVER FOR TROUT FISHING IN AMERICA The cover for Trout Fishing in A… late in the afternoon, a photograp… statue in San Francisco’s Washing…
Just because people love your mind, doesn’t mean they have to have your body,
Yup. A long lazy September look in the mirror say it’s true. I’m 31
I lift the toliet seat as if it were the nest of a bird and I see cat tracks all around the edge of the bowl.
WORSEWICK Worsewick Hot Springs was nothing… boards across the creek. That was… The boards dammed up the creek eno… bathtub there, and the creek flowe…
La voyageuse qui traverse les Hal… Marchait sur la pointe des pieds Le désespoir roulait au ciel ses g… Et dans le sac à main il y avait… Que seule a respiré la marraine de…
O beautiful was the werewolf in his evil forest. We took him to the carnival
Do you think of me as often as I think of you?
The petals of the vagina unfold like Christofer Columbus taking off his shoes. Is there anything more beautiful than the bow of a ship
The sweet juices of your mouth are like castles bathed in honey. I’ve never had it done so gently b… You have put a circle of castles around my penis and you swirl them
We stopped at perfect days and got out of the car. The wind glanced at her hair. It was as simple as that. I turned to say something—
Hinged to forgetfulness like a door, she slowly closed out of sight, and she was the woman I loved,
It’s so nice to wake up in the morning all alone and not have to tell somebody you love them
When you take your pill it’s like a mine disaster. I think of all the people lost inside of you.