#AmericanWriters #Suicide
I go to bed in Los Angeles thinki… about you.
O beautiful was the werewolf in his evil forest. We took him to the carnival
Just because people love your mind, doesn’t mean they have to have your body,
I am standing in the cemetery at… What did Judy say? ‘God-forsaken… A very old man who has cancer on h… care of the cemetery, is raking a… manner as to almost (polish it lik…
Sometimes life is merely a matter… affords. I once read something abo… it stimulates all the organs. I thought at first this was a stra… as time goes by I have found out t…
The petals of the vagina unfold like Christofer Columbus taking off his shoes. Is there anything more beautiful than the bow of a ship
It’s so nice to wake up in the morning all alone and not have to tell somebody you love them
I lift the toliet seat as if it were the nest of a bird and I see cat tracks all around the edge of the bowl.
Three crates of Private Eye Lett… the name and drawing of a detectiv… with magnifying glass on the sides of the crates of lettuce, form a great cross in man’s imagin…
I feel horrible. She doesn’t love me and I wander around like a sewing machine that’s just finished sewing a turd to a garbage can lid.
With his hat on he’s about five inches taller than a taxicab.
We left Little Redfish for Lake Josephus, traveling along the good names—from Stanley to Capehorn to Seafoam to the Rapid River, up Float Creek, past the Greyhound Mine and then to Lake...
THE HUNCHBACK TROUT The creek was made narrow by littl… too close together. The creek was… booths in a row with high Victoria… taken off and all the backs of the…
ZAP! unlaid / 20 days
At 1:30 in the morning a fart smells like a marriage between an avocado and a fish head. I have to get out of bed to write this down without