#AmericanWriters #1993 #ThePleasuresOfTheDamned
long ago he edited a little magazi… was up in San Francisco during the beat era during the reading-poetry-with-jaz… and I remember him because he neve…
the old folks play a game in the park overlooking the sea shoving markers across cement with wooden sticks. four play, two on each side
I had this room in front on DeLon… and I used to sit for hours in the daytime looking out the front window.
majestic, majic infinite my little girl is sun on the carpet—
The ultra-violet ray machine clicked off. I had been treated on both sides. I took off the goggles and began to dress. Miss Ackerman walked in. “Not yet,” she said, “keep your clothes o...
people went into vacant lots and pulled up greens to cook and the men rolled Bull Durham or smoked Wings (10 a pack) and the dogs were thin and the cats were thin and the cats learned h...
I have just spent one—hour—and—a—h… handicapping tomorrow’s card. when am I going to get at the poem… well, they’ll just have to wait
I don’t know how many bottles of b… I have consumed while waiting for… to get better. I don’t know how much wine and whi… and beer
smoking a cigarette and noting a m… flattened out against the wall and died as organ music from centuries back… my black radio
a girlfriend came in built me a bed scrubbed and waxed the kitchen flo… scrubbed the walls vacuumed
stew at noon, my dear; and look: the ants, the sawdust, the mica plants, the shadows of banks like bad jokes; do you think we’ll hear
she sits up there drinking wine while her husband is at work. she puts quite
New Year’s Eve was another bad night for me to get through. My parents had always delighted in New Year’s Eve, listening to it approach on the radio, city by city, until it arrived in L...
I went with two ladies down to Venice to look for antique furniture. I parked in back of the store and went in with them.
I keep thinking it will be outside now waiting for me blue front bumper twisted