I am Parramatta, her hopes and her dreams. I am her people, who laugh in the pubs, who slouch off to work
The time has come for the past to… like so many ancient skeletons, for the dead to walk the streets o… like children and beggars and grif… This is the time to greet long gon…
I first went through there in 1975… sitting in the back of my parents’ old, green ‘64 EH Holden. That tiny town was boarded up wit… staring harshly at any intruder,
Your reply email was dead pan, not even a hangman’s rope, hardly even a string. It came about ten minutes after mine to you.
It’s cold tonight, and wet, and the boy’s gone to the pub. They don’t have a fire there anymo… but it’s air-conditioned so it’ll… They serve the damned beer unseaso…
I fear all the darkness of humanit… is about to be seen to have fallen… and all the faces of the churches… of the mosques and temples, have t… It seems that all the gods have go…
It’s an unpredictable day. Eight thirty in the morning and not a hint
Real I don’t want to be pretty with you… or cute with the perfect look and pictures. I want to kick ass.
I dwell or rather exist at this bone-hard time of cold dark weather of cold dark change this time of closure
Since I’m living on this desert i… I thought it would be good to send… so you might understand my isolati… Life is tiresome without trinkets, but the best trinkets are in the m…
All week it’s been cold, with the sky as bright as those electric blue eyes that blaze out of that face to which you are drawn irresistibly.
So easily forgotten: Sarajevo, South Africa, Vietnam and that which was once simply Korea. And so many more,
You and I are a late written rock song. Free of all things, children mithering, grandchildren… mothers judging, fathers chastisin…
The air this morning is full of th… that I cannot see, that I know bu… The day is very young but bright,… and aggressive. The day is full of… that arises when everything is aba…
Having lain in paralysed potential… somnolent under Winter’s moon —the Silver Lady that rules that… sleeping away the long night, like… now that the Elders Past, and the…
The walls of this church mutter, and these buildings speak in strid… or scream their resentment like nails being pulled from ancie… These streets whisper the old disc…
Somehow Troy became deluded into… that he was a hat, Gandalf’s hat to be precise. He bought wizardy high boots, which he insisted were possessed
The cafe’s special of the day is panic and frustration mixed together in a sauce of fear that confuses the diner as to what he is tasting at any po…
In the dreams you have in your sof… under your downy doona, thinking you sleep the sleep of th… do you dream of the face of the Ch… hauled before temporal authorities
The old one’s dying/the baby’s alr… There’s blood on the sheets from both/clean it up/move along It’s the same/this day/as all days Sloughing off the sheets/stumbling…
So, we have come then, you and I, to a day when the sky is like an o… and the rain tick/tick/ticks on th… marking time like a clock. We can have two experiences of thi…
So you walk up this morning street… in the pub at this unearthly hour. Fourth smoke in about thirty minu… 'coz you’re afraid. Afraid of the people,
I drink water and believe in science. I am a twig with a swollen disfigurement.
The day I found poetry I already knew, having had it come out of me in bloody and ear-curling twists for which I had no name.
I am a pendant hung on a chain of thought I am a vision brought to life by a word I swing between realities
How did I get so lucky? Avoid so many wars? Walk through so much mud and avoid the attendant disease? How did I not grow old and lonely…
Good night and goodbye to all that… and gone forever. Good morning and good fortune to a… that still remains. This is the meanest of times, the…
That pent up energy in me has no logic but itself, that part that understands has no intelligence but intuition. The glory, like lightning,
I enter into conversations with th… with the great and the humble, wit… I have these conversations with po… with novelists and scientists, wit… Rarely do I have these conversati…
An old-fashioned television all black and grey on wooden legs in my parents’ dim lounge room