Oliver Wendell Holmes

Our Yankee Girls

LET greener lands and bluer skies,
If such the wide earth shows,
With fairer cheeks and brighter eyes,
Match us the star and rose;
The winds that lift the Georgian’s veil,
Or wave Circassia’s curls,
Waft to their shores the sultan’s sail,—
Who buys our Yankee girls?
The gay grisette, whose fingers touch
Love’s thousand chords so well;
The dark Italian, loving much,
But more than one can tell;
And England’s fair-haired, blue-eyed dame,
Who binds her brow with pearls;—
Ye who have seen them, can they shame
Our own sweet Yankee girls?
And what if court or castle vaunt
Its children loftier born?—
Who heeds the silken tassel’s flaunt
Beside the golden corn?
They ask not for the dainty toil
Of ribboned knights and earls,
The daughters of the virgin soil,
Our freeborn Yankee girls!
By every hill whose stately pines
Wave their dark arms above
The home where some fair being shines,
To warm the wilds with love,
From barest rock to bleakest shore
Where farthest sail unfurls,
That stars and stripes are streaming o’er,—
God bless our Yankee girls!
Other works by Oliver Wendell Holmes...
