Bound to your bookseller, leap to… Deluge your dealer with bakshish a… Lean on the counter and never say… Wodehouse and Wooster are with us… Flourish the fish-slice, your butt…
The summer like a rajah dies, And every widowed tree Kindles for Congregationalist eye… An alien suttee.
Let’s straighten this out, my litt… And reach an agreement if we can. I entered your door as an honored… My shoes are shined and my trouser… And I won’t stretch out and read…
Who wants my jellyfish? I’m not sellyfish!
Parsley Is gharsley.
A bit of talcum Is always walcum.
My heart leaps up when I behold A rainbow in the sky; Contrariwise, my blood runs cold When little boys go by. For little boys as little boys,
They tell me that euphoria is the… Today I have the agility of a Gre… Yes, today I may even go forth wi… Today I am a swashbuckler, would… This is my euphorian day,
Tell me, O Octopus, I begs Is those things arms, or is they l… I marvel at thee, Octopus; If I were thou, I’d call me Us.
Isabel met an enormous bear, Isabel, Isabel, didn’t care; The bear was hungry, the bear was… The bear’s big mouth was cruel and… The bear said, Isabel, glad to me…
In fourteen hundred and ninety-two… Someone sailed the ocean blue. Somebody borrowed the fare in Spa… For a business trip on the boundin… And to prove to the people, by act…
He tells you when you’ve got on t… And helps you with your girdle wh…
He who is ridden by a conscience Worries about a lot of nonscience; He without benefit of scruples His fun and income soon quadruples…
The rhino is a homely beast, For human eyes he’s not a feast. Farwell, farewell, you old rhinoce… I’ll stare at something less prepo…
Behold the duck. It does not cluck. A cluck it lacks. It quacks. It is specially fond