a neighbor’s friend arf arf woof bow wow dog excited for a treat then sit for petting a moment of love comfort
The Sun Now Rising The night seems to cloud my moon Altogether the smoke from my cigar… Pales my sight Darkness swept my solitary hermita…
creative iguanas we delight in things beautiful art dance music poetry food backdrop of our travel group we walk slowly soaking up
babylon have at it lovers barriers free your love is cozy up
happiness shared happiness 1 in my head brain mind day in day out I see... your happy gorgeous smile
The Frog and The Turtle A Pristine Refuge There is a bull frog on top of the… That is on a rock island in the mi… That meanders toward and under the…
passion in our soul love’s passion never dies after a long day’s romancing the sun simply sets always
pleasant time thank you for the other day
Space Paradise ...immortality awaits meanwhile w… You are the one in the dream I ha… Of a luxuriant garden billions of… In that mystical park magical land…
Boil and Simmer On a boiling humid day You can feel and even see White fumes of steam Rising from the molten asphalt
Happy Valentine’s Day Poetry is everywhere look around It is nature alive connected aboun… Wanted to touch give and share Longing to be touched and to care
“Martinis are the only American i… H. L. Mencken *** stirred sonnet a perfect quatrain if there ever w…
acceptance we start all over every morning we wake up we let go all things we had
April Thaw Spring Sun Funny again you begin to smile and… Baby talk to yourself clearly you… The flowers are saying hello to yo…
Mothers Woke up Smiled Got up Got the children up