Nelson D Reyes

It’s Spring!

It’s Spring! Good Morning Mother Earth!
...more coffee please...
The blossoming tenderness
Blissing with love music dancing rhythms
Of songbirds symphonic calls for mates
Happiness under the bushes
Ah... good morning Mother Earth
Park concerts friends and families
  celebrate today
Dressed to picnic a good time have
  at it abandon
More spring  flowers all over your garden
Sweet smell of freshness in the air
Of the morning drizzle a shy rainbow
  winking arching wide
Blades of grass are back green and lush
  sensual dancing reaching for the sky
Smell of earth pairs of earthy worms
  broke out no snow coming
Days more radiant warmer longer
  birds singing holding high notes
Bees buzzing butterflies happily flying
  circling crazy
Hopscotching back and forth over and
  over over your garden
The blossoming tenderness
Blissing with love music dancing rhythms
Of songbirds symphonic calls for mates
Uncensored happiness under the bushes
Spring is here the good life anew
Everybody got the memo got the first dibs
  of abandonment
Of love’s ambrosia of nectar of Pan’s flute
  hypnotic euphony
Grandma’s s warm breakfast rolls
And toast buttered both sides
Javas brewed dark and bold
Street hawkers of nature having a grand time
Earth creatures join jamming with their humans and their  pets
Partaking in the first breezes of spring
The fragrances of the flowers the sensual earth
The colors of crazy clouds wind waltzing in the sky
Punxsutawney Phil did not see his shadow
Spring just sprung and nature is strutting
  its booty upstaging Stravinsky
Friends and families nature denizens
A turning of the page a renewed hope
  a new dawn a pink sky
new remembrances
...pass the cream and sugar... please thank you
(NDR) 03.23.2022
Photo:ndr Durham Farmers Market NC 3.19.22

...get out there...dance the dance of life...

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