loving care
A little moon musing.
Libra fair is fair for all stand up all stand up for all treated unfairly
Incarnations Lifetime Adventures never stop Never end Are forward bound
Flowers of Life rose windows Love steeped dreamers breathed Out from the womb of the past Nourished gained wisdom
Broken But that is love In the way you fashioned it After all the time all the longing… After all the tears all the laught…
Twilight at the Beach Reached for the sun glanced a quie… goodnight setting Painting amber streaks on the vast… canvas
Happy Trails Sun ...into the dark sunset out the bl… Purveyor of life... ahh... Father Sun But you are in
passion in our soul love’s passion never dies after a long day’s romancing the sun simply sets always
Seven Thousand Seashores ...Leni to lead with understanding the color pink welcoming color amiable
live long and happy live longer live happy share the best you have sleep well stress free hostility free smile all times
Happiness ...dance with your muse... You let go The insane daily rat race Is just that-insane
pleasant time thank you for the other day
The Frog and The Turtle A Pristine Refuge There is a bull frog on top of the… That is on a rock island in the mi… That meanders toward and under the…
Nature’s Valentine’s haiku + 7-7’s Undress get naked Shed all the dead leaves dead limb… Hear see touch smell taste
Ruby Heart Passion for Life An eye contact in a subway Lasted longer than usual Penetrating... a couple of sweet s…
happiness shared happiness 1 in my head brain mind day in day out I see... your happy gorgeous smile