Morgan Tidwell


An Original Song

Mirror mirror on the wall
Whisper another lie
Make me believe that I’m not enough
And don’t give a good reason why
Mirror mirror on the wall
Compare me to everyone else
Until I’m convinced I can’t measure up
Simply by being myself
I wanna break you
I wanna shatter you into pieces
Til there’s no reflection
Of this body of mine
You’ve caused me to question
My beauty and worth too many times
So I’m gonna break you now
Get the hell out of my house
Mirror mirror on the floor
Is that it? Did it all go away?
Is it safe to look up, and will I find
confidence taking your place?
Mirror mirror on the floor
You know you’re just a metaphor
For what goes around in my head
Day after day after day after day
So I need to break me instead
I wanna break you
I wanna shatter you into pieces
Til there’s no comparison
Clouding your mind
I know it’s not easy
I know that it’s really hard to find
But I’ve got to break you now
I’ve got to break right now
You’ve got to break somehow
You’re beautiful
A priceless possession
You’ve got fire in your soul
You’re an inspiration
One in a billion
Despite what you’ve been told
I’m more than a pawn in just some game
I’m a gift and a giver of life
I am someone’s daughter and someone’s wife
I could go on and on
Demanding my worth til dawn
But it’s all in your hands now
You’ve got to break somehow

This is an original song I wrote in 2022. My entire life, comparison has been crippling to me at times and I was recently told that turning 30 and in my decade of the 30’s, I will experience new confidence and all my insecurities will fade away. I’m so ready for that!

#break #confidence #insecurity #mirror #music #poetry #selfworth #song

Other works by Morgan Tidwell...
