Maureen Adams Bailey


From the sky
Looking down
Can be seen
A boy.
The stars can see.
The moon can see.
Through crowds of average folks,
Through seas of ordinary
This one person
Shines upwards to the stars.
He is magnificent.
He needs not magnification.
Inside, he cannot see himself.
He cannot see what I see,
What the sky sees flickering
Amongst the dust on earth.
All things truly beautiful
Do not know their beauty.
He knows tears
And fears
And sadness.
Yet he is made of worldly
Celestial particles.
His eyes reflect a sore and
Anxious heart.
Yet those whose eyes meet his
Find joy.
His mind spins wildly
Twisting his soul to tortured spirals,
Yet those who speak to him
Find inspiration
And hope.
The most pure,
The most true,
That he should find such pain
On earth -
One day the stars shall
Be still, my love.
Deep breaths, my love.
The brilliance you exhale
Into the atmosphere
Just by being,
Will, by the sky,
Return worlds of happiness
To you, my love.

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