#English #Women
Some hang above the tombs, Some weep in empty rooms, I, when the iris blooms, Remember. I, when the cyclamen
On alien ground, breathing an alie… A Roman stood, far from his ancie… And gazing, murmured, ‘Ah, the hills are fair, But not… Descendant of a race to Romans-ki…
A green eye-and a red-in the dark. Thunder-smoke-and a spark. It is there-it is here-flashed by. Whither will the wild thing fly? It is rushing, tearing thro’ the n…
Sunshine let it be or frost, Storm or calm, as Thou shalt choo… Though Thine every gift were lost… Thee Thyself we could not lose.
Egypt’s might is tumbled down Down a-down the deeps of though; Greece is fallen and Troy town, Glorious Rome hath lost her crown… Venice’ pride is nought.
|WE were young, we were merry, we… And the door stood open at our fea… When there passed us a woman with… And a man with his back to the Ea… O, still grew the hearts that were…
TURN in, my lord, she said ; As it were the Father of Sin I have hated the Father of the De… The slayer of my kin ; By the Father of the Living led,
We are not near enough to love, I can but pity all your woe; For wealth has lifted me above, And falsehood set you down below. If you were true, we still might b…
None ever was in love with me but… She wooed my from the day that I… She stole my playthings first, the… And left me there forlorn. The birds that in my garden would…
Strange Power, I know not what th… Murderer or mistress of my heart. I know I’d rather meet the blow Of my most unrelenting foe Than live—as now I live—to be
As Christ the Lord was passing by… He came, one night, to a cottage d… He came, a poor man, to the poor; He had no bed whereon to lie. He asked in vain for a crust of br…
The clouds had made a crimson crow… Above the mountains high. The stormy sun was going down In a stormy sky. Why did you let your eyes so rest…
The earth that made the rose, She also is thy mother, and not I… The flame wherewith thy maiden spi… Was lighted at no hearth that I s… I am as far below as heaven above…
When my love did what I would not… I could hear his merry voice upon… Crying, “e;Fairest, shut your eye… Love is blind!” When my love said what I say not,…
O LET me be in loving nice, Dainty, fine, and o’er precise, That I may charm my charmàd dear As tho’ I felt a secret fear To lose what never can be lost,—