Mary Darby Robinson

Sonnet—The Mariner

THE SEA-BEAT MARINER, whose watchful eye
Full many a boist’rous night hath wak’d to weep;
When the keen blast descending from the sky,
Snatch’d his warm tear-drop from the rav’nous deep.
Drench’d by the chilling rain, his dreary hour
Creeps slowly onward to the dawn of day;
Till burning PHOEBUS darting thro’ the show’r,
Warms with his golden beam the frothy spray:
With lightning’s swiftness he ascends the mast,
And cries, “another tedious night is o’er;”
He spreads the swelling sail, he sees at last
His darling MISTRESS, and his NATIVE SHORE;
The restless wand’rer then forgets past pain,
Steals a fond kiss, and BRAVES HIS FATE AGAIN.
Other works by Mary Darby Robinson...
