Marlon Gatling Bba


Understanding that we “all” shall die we must start to value life itself while we can still smell, and see because you will become blind about what could be. Wasting time on sorrows, and pains, and always looking for someone else too blame.


   In this windowpane called life it’s a beautiful painted picture where we walk many roads. As we get old we all have that final destination called death it’s where we take are last breath.

   I use too be scared of what was going to be left, and dying alone, but through my travels of life God has prepped me to be grown by supplying me with all the things I need because my faith is such larger than a mustard seed. God has never left me for dead, instead he allowed me to grow into the man that I am today. (God don’t play!)

   I’m no saint, nor do I want you too think that I am. I am a sinner that God himself has eyes on, and if God see’s me (note to one’s self) he see’s you too!


   I can only speak for myself when I say God has blessed me abundantly by supplying me with everything I need. I let God use me as I plant seeds because through my testimonies others will bleed, and trees will grow its written “we all shall reap what we sow”.

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