I feel like the earth is exploding around me and it can’t be stopped scarred - everything is a mirage someone tell me whats real where are you? Where am I?
Little fishy, in your bowl trapped by the glass that holds your water - your life so like my body
No strings, no ring for my finger exclusive
I go to places others won’t
I feel so good love is in every form I get what I need always It’s a gift
I gave it up first I’m getting off I wouldn’t
There are some things that even fate can’t fight
2 sticks that couldn’t rub without a match my hearts empty
Heat, hate flowed over Like a fever I felt it in waves Like that of the ocean The tears dripped
Do you Want to Drive My teeth? 4 wheels
I can’t sleep... you’ve seeped Inside me
Alone she sits with her shoulders against the sky pondering
Just as the light peaked through the window, I saw you coming toward the door through the glass
Once upon a time... A stupid girl was stuck letting the past creep into the
What if all our journeys lead to one but only for a duration did we forget