Mandy Leah

I'm with you, I'm so with you. Forever, with you

You’ve changed me
I’m still not sure
is it just my mind
that’s taken over
controlling me
or if I can just feel you
flowing through me
I wish I could be sure
I feel you close to me
It’s so bizarre like you’re here
I sat & wondered
if I’ve ever felt
like this before...
I can’t seem to remember
I’m pretty sure this is new
you are new to me
you make me want
to give up everyone else
I know I would for you
to be with you
It’s not the same
when you’re gone
Without you physically–
Mentally & Physically
you’re the only one still there
even though there are people
all around, they distract me
it just frustrates me,
makes me want to be alone
if you can’t be there
That is new
you’ve changed that
about me
The want for only one
no distractions,
yet I wonder
how real could this be?
I have no idea
what you’re
doing... thinking
but mostly that seems
ridiculous to ever
waste time wondering
because I feel you
That tells me
you’re thoughts are
with me too
Could this be real?
So calm,
yet soooo wildly
wishing for you
to be physically
with me again
I think I must be
stupid, to even
question it...
I mean who
wouldn’t give everything
to feel what I am now?
what you must be too...
I wonder how many
people even have ever
felt such oneness
such spirituality?
Don’t question that it’s real
I just wonder about it
About you, I can see... you
I want you to come to me
I’m sending you
I know you’re getting them
Don’t doubt them
know that it is real
I’m real...
I’m really yours
remember we
asked for each other
We’re each other’s
strengths & weaknesses
You make me smile...
another distraction,
the phone rings,
back to my real placement
grounded again.

Other works by Mandy Leah...
