Lady Mary Wroth

[O That no day would ever more appear]

O that no day would ever more appear,
    But clowdy night to governe this sad place,
    Nor light from Heaven these haples roomes to grace
    Since that light’s shadow’d which my Love holds deare.
Let thickest mists in envy master here,
    And Sunne-borne day for malice show no face,
    Disdaining light, where Cupid, and the race
    Of Lovers are despisd, and shame shines cleere.
Let me be darke, since barr’d of my chiefe light,
    And wounding Jealousie commands by might,
    But Stage-play-like disguised pleasures give:
To me it seemes, as ancient fictions make
    The Starrs, all fashio[n]s, and all shapes partake,
    While in my thoughts true forme of Love shall live.
Other works by Lady Mary Wroth...
