Lady Mary Wroth

from the Countesse of Montgomery’s Urania: “Love peruse me, seeke, and finde”

Love peruse me, seeke, and finde
How each corner of my minde
           Is a twine
           Woven to shine.
Not a Webb ill made, foule fram’d,
Bastard not by Father nam’d,
           Such in me
           Cannot bee.
Deare behold me, you shall see
Faith the Hive, and love the Bee,
           Which doe bring.
           Gaine and sting.
Pray desect me, sinewes, vaines,
Hold, and loves life in those gaines;
           Lying bare
           To despaire,
When you thus anotamise
All my body, my heart prise;
           Being true
           Just to you.
Close the Truncke, embalme the Chest,
Where your power still shall rest,
           Joy entombe,
           Loves just doome.
Other works by Lady Mary Wroth...
