Neither in the calm seas and placi… Nor in the clear azure skies and s… But, its in the midst of turbulenc… Lives the soul of dedication, and, The heart of true love beats and b…
The glistening crystal clear water… Swirling and flowing towards me, From the hazy horizons of the invi… Touching the islands floating some… With their untouched pristine shor…
Left crushed under the feet are he… Left trampled under the soles are… Nipped by the dirty hands and left… Left stranded on the side walk are… There she lays, sore, and down on…
At my eyes behest, I fell for the one that looked the… But the one that looked the nicest… Is the one that Betrayed me first… The truth that ducked my foresight…
Beyond the realms of twin blue str… Lay the vast and deep darkness, Above the sky’s bottom and below t… While the vast darkness above woul… From lack of any pressure,
In the light of the darkest night, And in the tranquil serenity of co… I sat down to read the text writte… Written carefully in invisible ink… Words written in sinuous lines,
Give me your soul, Neither your body nor your heart, The heart is a body part, That vanishes when the soul depart… Your soul the only eternal part,
I want to have something with me… I want to stay here forever, so I… I want to remember something forev… I want to win forever, so I stopp…
Sticks that I have burnt disappea… The ashes I have dropped to the g… A speck of those ashes has lodged… And found now, an eternal place, u… Tearing the blanket of tears, ever…
When the moon is up and the stars… I put off the lights, but left the… I sunk into my bed and shut my eye… and slipped into sleep, so deep an… I missed to see the flickering fla…
Illusion and Reality share a stra… Neither they converge nor diverge, But live on a scale, at equal dist… And when one grows deeper the othe… But in the commotion of the shifti…
You came like a blessing from the… And changed me and my world, like… That fell on the parched floor, And turned the barren earth, Into an Eden of lush, green galor…
There is light beyond my sight, There is life beyond my reach, There are things beyond my touch, There are emotions beyond my sense… At times it appears absurd,
My eyes always cheat my innocent m… Neither the sky nor the ocean are…
I opened my eyes and scanned my ro… I heard a voice asking me, “Where… Pushed the blankets and I put my… I heard the floor asking me “where… Laughed and shook my head,