In the range of your feelings, I nest my life. In the rhythm of your hips, I dance until dawn. In the agility of your hands,
I love you because you are my girl We will eat together a pineapple I will feed you
Life life is going like water through the hands Remembrances childhood remembrances
Every friendship she begins, her society is more developed. Every class she takes, her education
Let it flow: the energy the reason the wellness Let it live:
My mind, recreates when I apply watercolour pigments over the paper.
Today, I saved a dose of love, to give it to you in the future Today, I stored my memories in th… to know who I am in the future Today, I treasured a dose of affe…
In the deepness of your: Creativity Fear Future Goodness
Reasoning Is: Advanced Calmed Down Clean Comprehensive
athlete running couple sexing girl playing bird flying butterfly flapping
my efforts are summed my achievements are accumulated my goals are met Day by day my dreams are fabricated
Strong men fall The waters fall and seep Elephants’ trunks fall Everything ends falling Time and gravity
In the present life is good My daughter she is standing out My wife
WHEN I WAS A CHILD: I didn’t worry about the future I had my parents I lived in the present I played with my sister and my cou…
activity, activity, activity skill, skill, skill your hands are capable and skilled amplitude, amplitude, amplitude