Never gonna be The cover of Glamour That sure doesn’t mean I’m not still enamored With your energy
Not growing, dying That’s just simple facts Take a look at plants Nature’s info packs
My parents threw me to the pits When I was just a little kid That’s why I only know the cold And loving touch is stranglehold
I don’t know what, quite, will unf… I only see silver and gold That’s all I need to tightly hold Onto this dream of getting old
My love is like a laser beam To melt you down and make you crea… It comes and goes just like a drea… Because the bright is touch obscen…
You’ll have to take It slow with me That’s just the way Things have to be I’m sensitive
I think I’ve found the reason why I threw my gut instincts aside You had a crazy, fucked up song You made me sing I knew was wrong But now, thank God, I’ve seen the…
I had to shut everyone out To find my Self So I could let everyone in
You’ve always been ahead the curve And paradise awaits your nerve To hold on fast and never swerve From the sweet path of nature’s ve…
Somehow when I write It comes out in time Words seem to flow out In a catchy rhyme Things just sorta happen
Really want to ask you out ‘Cause I feel a special bout Of the things we dream about Discipline and love devout
Had a day that felt like two Glad to be at home with you Sight for sore eyes, love exude Now at peace since I smelled Moo
I am a simple, joyful man Without a thing you’d call a plan I bounce around and bump into What I would call my Katmandu
My soul taught me a thing tonight That you don’t always get your lik… And when things don’t work like th… You will adapt, and be all good
I was born for this Reflexes like a puss Even when I’m pissed