She’s a bad-ass bitch That talks with a lisp And I pity the fool that would fi… She’ll shove your face in the dirt And make your everything hurt
What if I watched with no judgement or saw without shame, nurtured your essence behind drawn shades?
Never gonna be The cover of Glamour That sure doesn’t mean I’m not still enamored With your energy
My brain doesn’t work like it norm… It doesn’t think of the funny rema… Or witty sayings It doesn’t jump from scene to scen… Most of the time it’s too busy
Really want to ask you out ‘Cause I feel a special bout Of the things we dream about Discipline and love devout
I lived today. I breathed. I moved. I was. I hope I helped.
You create yourself Then see better solutions Cue evolution
Always classy Never trashy Kinda sassy Sweet thing Ashley
I’ve never wrapped My mind around Making you feel Seen, heard, and found I didn’t know
Life after age eight Put downs and berates People don’t like you When they look like fools
You say you’re broken I see pieces made to fit You say you don’t know I see the truth hidden in it Hidden in You
I don’t write poems for poets Flowery language, indulge us I break it down With a simpler sound And anything more would be less
I saw you standing there so fine In dress real nice with man that’s… I wish I could just say to you I’d love you more than he could do
Little chipper 'munk Primal, honest, cheeky, sweet Sugar in my ’shine
I’d like to find someone That celebrates my self Except this life’s taught me You can’t trust no one else They see your loving charms