Crazy time. Scrambled minds. Puréed, minced.
Dream. I met myself in a dream.
Hearts. What evil dwells in the
Opinion. There was a time. A time of give
Smarter. Faster, innocence fades. Human
Toss. Deep end. No choice. All in. Head
Layers. Epochs. Layers of time. Existence.
Aggregator. Brain. Mind. Collector. Collector
Aimless. Wandering. Meandering. Meaning of things.
Provenance. Observation. All around. Endlessness. Inhospitable
Step. Step by step. One step at a
Five percent. Manifestations. Visible. Five
Gnomes. Life’s journey. Transformative. Each,
Altar. Heads bowed. Down through
Product. Designed as such. Milled and honed.