Integers. Realms within realms within
Red Bow. Levels of existence. Levels
Deafening. Eons past. Faceless millions charge.
Inorganic to organic and back again. From a
Augmentation. So it begins. Next step. Human
Convergence. Technology disruption. Forthcoming. Blending
Opaque. Mist. Existence in a mist.
Antidote. Technology overwhelming. Quicksand. Sucking in,
Empty packages. Life’s lessons arrive
Broken pieces. Slog. Life can be a slog.
Toss. Deep end. No choice. All in. Head
Horizon. History, past to present. Archaic
Cosmic gallery. Works of art. One after the next.
Moon. Earth moon. Binary system.
A.I. wars. Gathering. Welling up cloud warriors. Circling