Now, then, if holiness thou woulds… And wouldst a tender Christian ma… Keep faith in action, let that rig… That Christ fulfilled always have… And clear distinction in thy heart…
In this see thou thy beauty, hast… Or thy defects, should they be few… Thou may’st, too, here thy spots a… Hast thou but eyes, and what their… But art thou blind? There is no l…
As I walked through the wilderness of this world, I lighted on a certain place where was a den (the gaol), and I laid me down in that place to sleep: and as I slept, I dreamed a dream. ...
But all this while, where’s he who… Drives night away and beautifies o… Where’s he whose goodly face doth… And show us what the darksome nigh… Where’s he that thaws our ice, dri…
Us godly fear delightful unto thee… That fear that God himself deligh… Bear sway in them that love him? t… Thy godly mind in this request ful… By giving thee a fear that tremble…
hat ails this fly thus desperately… A combat with the candle? Will sh… To clash at light? Away, thou sil… Thus doing thou wilt burn thy wing… But ’tis a folly her advice to giv…
Two sacraments I do believe there… Baptism and the Supper of the Lor… Both mysteries divine, which do to… By God’s appointment, benefit aff… But shall they be my God, or shal…
The word of faith unto me pardon b… Shows me the ground and reason whe… To wit, free grace, which moved G… His Son to die and bleed, that I… This word doth also loudly preach…
Now wouldst thou have a heart that… A heart that forward is to close w… A heart that will impressions free… Of the new covenant, and that will… The best improvement of the word o…
Look yonder, ah! methinks mine eye… Clouds edged with silver, as fine… They look as if they saw that gold… That makes black clouds most beaut… Unto the saints’ sweet incense, or…
She goes but softly, but she goeth… She stumbles not, as stronger crea… Her journey’s shorter, so she may… Better than they which do much far… She makes no noise, but stilly sei…
The love of Christ, poor I! may t… But ’tis unsearchable. O! there i… Its large dimensions can comprehen… Should they dilate thereon world w… When we had sinned, in his zeal he…
The bee goes out, and honey home d… And some who seek that honey find… Now would’st thou have the honey,… From stinging, in the first place… Comparison.
These lines I at this time presen… To all that will them heed, Wherein I show to what intent God saith, Convert[2] with speed. For these four things come on apac…
This homely bush doth to mine eyes… A very fair, yea, comely ruddy ros… This rose doth also bow its head t… Saying, Come, pluck me, I thy ros… Yet offer I to gather rose or bud…