Jeff Bresee

In The Middle

In the middle of life there’s a moment of still.
Reminiscing, regretting, “Is there point in it all?”
Looking out in both ways from the top of the hill
as I tumble and shrink to an infinite small.
For I know forever has no end of days,
it leaves me to contemplate just who I am?
And I know that size never ends in both ways,
when you sit in infinity, is there a plan
where we have significance? Any at all?
It seems we are not but a quark in the sea,
yet at the same time I can’t help but recall
a simple concept that was once taught to me—
that we are God’s children, of infinite worth.
The thought of such gives me that moment of still
where it becomes clear why I am here on the Earth.
In the middle of life... from the top of the hill.
Other works by Jeff Bresee...
