They did the deed of darkness In their own mid-light. He plucked a gray field mouse Suddenly in the wind. The small dead fly alive
The moon drops one or two feathers… The dark wheat listens. Be still. Now. There they are, the moon’s young,…
From an epigram by Plato When I was a boy, a relative Asked for me a job At the Weeks Cemetery. Think of all I could
I had no idea the elf owl Crept into you in the secret Of night. I have torn myself out of many bit… In America, that seemed
And how can I, born in evil days And fresh from failure, ask a kind… —Written A.D. 819 Po Chu-i, balding old politician, What’s the use?
Near the dry river’s water-mark we… Your brother Minnegan, Flopped like a fish against the mu… Beany, the kid whose yellow hair t… Told me to find you, even if the r…
Varus, varus, gib mir meine Legio… Quick on my feet in those Novembe… I tossed a short pass, Almost the instant I got the ball… Of Barrel Terry before he knocked…
It is all right. All they do Is go in by dividing One rib from another. I wouldn’t Lie to you. It hurts Like nothing I know. All they do
When I went out to kill myself, I… A pack of hoodlums beating up a ma… Running to spare his suffering, I… My name, my number, how my day beg… How soldiers milled around the gar…
She cleaned house, and then lay do… On the long stair. On one of those cold white wings That the strange fowl provide for… That cautery of snow that blinds u…
Still, I would leap too Into the light, If I had the chance. It is everything, the wet green st…
After dark Near the South Dakota border, The moon is out hunting, everywher… Delivering fire, And walking down hallways
Many animals that our fathers kill… Had quick eyes. They stared about wildly, When the moon went dark. The new moon falls into the freigh…
Over my head, I see the bronze bu… Asleep on the black trunk, blowing like a leaf in green shado… Down the ravine behind the empty h… The cowbells follow one another
Give me this time, my first and se… Italian, a poem about gold, The left corners of eyes, and the… Night of the locomotives that brou… And the heavy wine in the old gree…